BTCR TX Conversion Playground

This is the BTCR DID Method playground.

Select blockchain

Find by TX Ref

Find by Transaction Information

Blockchain Position

Open Wallet browser based bitcoin wallet

New Address create a new address

Any keys used you will need to manually store safely as they will be needed later to redeem the bitcoins.

Address Options

You can use the advanced options below to generate different kind of keys and addresses.

New SegWit Address Smaller & Faster Transactions

Any keys used you will need to manually store safely as they will be needed later to redeem the bitcoins.

Address Options

You can use the advanced options below to generate different kind of keys and addresses.

New Multisig Address Secure multisig address

Public keys can be generated in your browser or from your bitcoin client.

Enter the public keys of all the participants, to create a multi signature address. Maximum of 15 allowed. Compressed and uncompressed public keys are accepted.

Enter the amount of signatures required to release the coins

New Time Locked Address Coins can be released only after a certain date

Use OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY (OP_HODL) to create a time locked address where the funds are unspendable until a set date and time has passed.

Public keys can be generated in your browser or from your bitcoin client.

Enter the public key that will be able to unlock the funds after the a certain date.

Enter the or required to release the coins:

New HD Address making bip32 even easier

Use the form below to generate a master hierarchical deterministic address.

Address Options

You can use the advanced options below to generate different kinds of master addresses.

Transaction Create a new transaction

Use this page to create a raw transaction

Address, WIF key or Redeem Script:

Advanced Options


Enter the address and amount you wish to make a payment to.

Enter the details of inputs you wish to spend.

Bitcoin Fee Calculator

This page will give you a guide on the lowest fee to use to get your transaction included within the next few blocks. It works by predicting the size of a transaction and comparing it to another transaction in a recent block to determine an appropriate fee.

Recommended Fee: 0.00000000 BTC
for a transaction of 0 bytes

? Sat/Byte

0 Bytes

Regular Compressed 1 148 bytes

SegWit 0 0 bytes

MultiSig 0 0 bytes

Hodl Time Locked 0 0 bytes

Unknown 0 0 bytes


0 Bytes

Regular p2pkh (1...) 2 68 bytes

Regular p2sh (3...) 0 0 bytes

Chargable Transaction Size: 0 bytes

Verify transactions and other scripts

Enter the raw transaction, redeem script, pubkey, hd address or wif key to convert it into a readable format that can be verified manually.

Sign Transaction once a transaction has been verified

Once you have verified a transaction you can sign and then broadcast it into the network.

Advanced Options

Broadcast Transaction into the bitcoin network

Enter your hex encoded bitcoin transaction

Development Javascript framework, API and more

This section is currently under development and is subject to change.


BTCR Playground is built on the open source wallet

Code for this repo is located at

Supporting libraries include:

Additional Details:

Settings making even better!

These simple settings below make one of the most decentralized wallets in the world.


Select which network you'd like to use for key pair generation.


Select the network you wish to broadcast the transaction via

Unspent outputs:

Select the network you wish to retreive your unspent inputs from

This page uses javascript to generate your addresses and sign your transactions within your browser, this means we never receive your private keys, this can be independently verified by reviewing the source code on github. You can even download this page and host it yourself or run it offline!

Create DID

This is where we create DIDs